Creating Custom Sensor Configurations


You can create arbitrary configurations of vehicle sensors with our environment. The following sensors are supported and can be placed, if applicable, at any location relative to the vehicle:

  • RGB cameras

  • Depth cameras

  • Ground truth segmentation cameras

  • Fisheye cameras

  • Ray trace LiDARs

  • Depth 2D LiDARs

  • Radars

We will go over a brief tutorial on how to create and configure a custom camera using our environment.


The L2R SimulatorController cannot create new sensors in the simulator, but it can enable sensors and modify their configuration.

Creating Sensors

By default, the simulator will load the previously saved vehicle configuration.

(Option 1) User Interface

  1. Run the simulator and select an arbitrary map

  2. On the right panel, select “Vehicle Sensor Settings”

  3. In the top right, select “Add Sensor”

  4. Select the sensor you wish to create

  5. Configure the sensor to your choosing

  6. Press “ESC” then select “Save All” or “Save Vehicle” in the top panel

Optionally, you can export the vehicle configuration by selecting “Vehicle Settings” in the right panel, scrolling down, and exports to a JSON or Yaml file.

(Option 2) Configuration File

Our repository contains a default vehicle configuration file which serves as a valuable reference tool.

  1. Simply modify parameters or add new sensors as you see fit

  2. Add your file to the appropriate simulator directory, for example, ArrivalSim-linux-

  3. Run the simulator and select an arbitrary map

  4. Select “Vehicle Settings” in the right panel

  5. Scroll down, and load your updated configuration

  6. Press “ESC” then select “Save All” or “Save Vehicle” in the top panel

For example, we can add a rear facing camera named “CameraRearRGB” by appending this camera configuration to l2r_vehicle_conf.yaml then following the steps above.

version: 1.1
  - name: CameraRearRGB
    enabled: false
    model: ARRIVAL Generic Camera
      x: -1.000  # 1m behind the reference point, slightly outside the vehicle
      y: 0.000
      z: 0.500   # 50cm above the reference point
      pitch: 0.0
      roll: 0.0
      yaw: 180.0  # rotate the camera around the Z-axis by 180 degrees
      zmq: tcp://

Using Your New Sensor

To use your newly created camera, you simply need to add it to your parameter configuration file. The random action baseline configuration serves as a good reference. Once added, the observation returned from the environment’s `step()` method will include the new images which are accessible via the camera’s name. For example:

      Addr: 'tcp://'  # make sure this address is unique
      Format: ColorBGR8
      FOVAngle: 90
      Width: 512
      Height: 384
      bAutoAdvertise: True

Rear facing images will be available like:

while not done:
    action = self.select_action()
    state, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action)
    rear_image = state['CameraRearRGB'] # numpy array