Default Camera Configuration
The agent has access to camera sensor data which are raw pixel values (with bounds of 0 and 255). The default vehicle configuration includes 8 cameras with names:
CameraFrontRGB (CameraFrontSegm)
CameraLeftRGB (CameraLeftSegm)
CameraRightRGB (CameraRightSegm)
CameraBirdsEyeRGB (CameraBirdsEyeSegm)
To include any subset of these cameras, simply include the camera’s name and parameters under env_kwargs.cameras
. For example:
Addr: 'tcp://'
Format: SegmBGR8
Width: 512
Height: 384
bAutoAdvertise: True
Modifying Cameras
The camera is flexible in terms of both the field-of-view angle, dimensions of the images, type of camera, and position. To modify the camera, simply change the parameters:
GenericCamera: # Camera name which will be a key of observation dictionary
Addr: 'tcp://' # Address camera will publish to
Format: ColorBGR8 # ColorBGR8, SegmBGR8, HdrBGR8
FOVAngle: 120 # modifiable field of view parameter, in degrees
Width: 256 # modifiable image width parameter, in number of pixels
Height: 256 # modifiable image height parameter, in number of pixels
bAutoAdvertise: True
To set the environment to vision-only, set the multimodal
parameter to False
in the configs/params.yaml
multimodal: False